The life of a slow-witted man.
Wall is a hulking yet slow-witted man hired by Kaz as the girls' bodyguard.
Pressing past the slow-witted man, Woburn met the hidden issue.
Three hundred slow-witted men whose brains were fried on whiskey and drugs and their own stupor from years behind bars.
I am a slow-witted and ignorant man.
This slow-witted young man had given so much to help her, taken such personal risks without concern for his own safety.
Aubrey Wallace, the novel's hero, is a hapless, slow-witted man in his 40's.
A slow-witted man makes his way through three decades of American history.
In this parody, a genius man picks on an incredibly strong yet slow-witted man for his lack of intelligence.
I am a slow-witted man," said John, "and, in sooth, when l try to think about such matters it casts a gloom upon me.