Nick pushed the compact rental car to its limit, passing vehicles in the slower lanes as he raced along 101 south toward Cambria.
However, faster drivers may legally pass in the slower lanes if conditions allow (by CVC 21754).
Overtaking manoeuvres can take a long time due to the fear of spot checks by unmarked police cars in slower lanes.
Luckily for Bergen County, that slower lane is Kinderkamack Road.
The voice grew louder again as they approached another sliding chair in the slower lane.
Slow swimmers in the fast lane are shocked when a lifeguard asks them to move to a slower lane.
Using his horn, Vaughan forced the drivers in the slower lanes to back up and let him across on to the hard shoulder.
Three quarters of a turn and ten levels later, he spotted the woman, rising in the slower outer lane.
I was therefore pleased that the London conference brought together existing Member States, the fast lane applicants, and those in the slower lane.
In those areas, unlike many parts of Europe, traffic is allowed to overtake on any side, even in a slower lane.