It retails at a lower price of $529.99, but includes a slower processor, less memory and a smaller hard drive.
The power consumed by using a slower processor is more than using the more powerful processor at a lower clock rate.
We think we can do it with a slower processor.
They have limited usage for modern applications due to their slower processors and other outdated components.
Printers for the Model 4 ran more slowly, but the slower processor still could not keep up with it.
The sound modules were commonly used when computers had slower processors.
Powerful and versatile; can be configured with less memory and a slower processor.
You're about to settle for a machine with a slower processor and a little less memory, when you spot a listing on the manufacturer's Web site.
These slower cores are then marked with the speed at which they passed the testing process and sold as slower processors.
For slow applications, a traditional slower processor such as a microcontroller may be adequate.