If Pettitte had slower reactions, he might have emerged unscathed in the first.
It plays a critical role in the chemistry of Nitrogen-containing molecules, and is also tied to dozens of other molecules through its slower reactions.
The aziridinium ion reacts with water in a slower reaction.
The slower reactions of age betrayed him.
Another second, a moment's hesitation, a slower reaction, and all Polly's problems with the Bug would have been over.
On the other hand, the slower reaction of uranium-235 permits the assembly of super-critical masses, making it theoretically possible to produce weapons with high yields.
This might be useful for a slower reaction, where you have time to do all this.
Shortening line 'A' reduces pitch and offers slower reaction.
The negative aspect of using hydroxyl radicals is that they are more time consuming to use, due to a slower reaction and digestion time.
This is presumably due to the considerably slower reaction with carbonyls as compared to sulfones and sulfoxides.