The slower songs were slow to the point of mannerism.
They also noted the greater "depth and intelligence" of the slower songs.
The soft mallets create a mellow and softer tone which is used for slower songs.
In slower songs, however, a middle 8 can be used to generate energy.
During the slower songs, he recalled, "we were kissing and were very close together."
A slower song came through the wall, something with a plaintive horn and sentimental piano.
They went on to say that the song "is one of the slower songs on Emily's album, but still a great listen!
During the slower songs, as much as a quarter of the audience might get up for refreshments.
It was going to play fast and hard to fill the large room, even if that meant losing the mystical beauty of its slower songs.
It is the one of the band's only slower songs released as a radio single.