In the midst of the turmoil, the light other magic coalesced slowly.
It took a few seconds of focus, but the device slowly coalesced on the table.
The screen slowly coalesced into a single large heart.
A shape coalesced slowly over the shell, which seemed to be dissolving as the thing above it solidified.
Rather, they coalesce slowly - around a particular street corner or a building or a bar.
He watched a long, polished table with three high-backed chairs slowly coalesce into existence.
This gave him a chance to order an uprising, one that had been slowly coalescing for more than two years.
He felt the power of long, tough sinews as monstrous muscles developed in the body that slowly coalesced around him.
The parties were slowly coalescing groups; at first there were many independents.
He cautioned, however, that such deals would coalesce slowly, depending on how quickly blacks develop the necessary management skills.