The view from beyond the glass is of slowly crumbling human wreckage I have to dash her hopes.
Slowly crumbling over the years, it finally collapsed in an earthquake in 1897.
The man was understandably tense, as every officer had been, even after the mutiny slowly crumbled.
The hard shell that he'd constructed that day outside his father's office was slowly crumbling.
In the dry season it resembles a desert as the mountains crumble slowly to dust.
X went on crumbling slowly a small piece of bread with a careless left hand.
Bernardo slowly crumbled to the ground but could not get up.
As he watched, the structure slowly crumbled beneath her.
But under pressure from the networks and the growing cable channels, that resistance slowly crumbled.
In the 1400s, earthquakes shook the foundations of the mausoleum, and it slowly crumbled.