It was becoming lurid, tinged with a sinister red which slowly deepened as he looked.
On September 5, it strengthened to a major hurricane, and it slowly deepened over the next 48 hours.
Above me, the azure sky deepened slowly like the sea.
He touched his lips to hers, let the kiss deepen slowly, silkily.
Over the years, differences slowly deepened between him and several members of his congregation.
As in the seas of Earth, there was only a green twilight, deepening slowly to utter darkness.
At the end of ten minutes of watching the shadows deepen slowly in the yard, the Americans were becoming impatient.
After turning more westerly, the system continued to slowly deepen.
It was formed by fault subsidence that continues today, slowly deepening the lake along the eastern side.
Derkhan looked up at the sky, which was deepening slowly, warning of dusk.