Several have lost their original shape or are slowly disintegrating.
He held the glass up to the light and swirled the water as the tablet slowly disintegrated.
He looked over at the trailer and felt his nerves slowly disintegrate.
The Russian army slowly disintegrated until there was no effective military force during the rest of 1917.
But with the absence of regular Garden cards, the commission's clout slowly disintegrated.
In 2008 Daigneau said that the building was slowly disintegrating.
The club was unable to replace the great players as the championship team slowly disintegrated.
After several laps in the spotlight she was swallowed up by the pack, which slowly disintegrated.
The party disintegrated slowly as they passed into the heart of the fair.
The Winds lifted them up into the red sky, where each one disintegrated slowly, beautifully.