Some reports state that she was slowly dismantled over several years.
During the course of the litigation Nikkatsu was being slowly dismantled.
It was scavenged by the local populace and slowly dismantled over time.
This economic system could not support these overseas empires indefinitely, and they were slowly dismantled.
The Chinese navy was slowly dismantled and focus on interior reform and military defense began.
Over the last five years or so, he has been slowly dismantling a reputation earned early on with some critics as an emotionally limited performer.
For the first time since China began this process, the difficulties of erecting a new structure while slowly dismantling the old are becoming manifest.
But under his watch, Citigroup has slowly dismantled the Travelers division.
Once the resistance controlled the world, John slowly dismantled the Harbinger forces and restored order to the planet.
It has all pretty much gone downhill rapidly since then as the organization slowly dismantled itself, exiling the unhappy, often talented veterans.