Gwendolyn, finding the now gargantuan Leventhan slowly encircling the world, destroys the horn that held the crown of Valentine, as instructed by her sister's spirit.
Instead of rushing in to attack, the barbarians took their time and slowly encircled the column.
Her arms slowly encircled his neck.
She extended two fingers and slowly encircled the bag of brown candy dusted with poppy seeds.
Tom stroked her foot, then slowly encircled her ankle with hisfingers.
Instead, the serpent Kiyohime slowly encircles the bell with her oily coils.
Then the sweepers rolled by a second time and picked up piles of litter by slowly encircling them in a tightening spiral.
Then, to his far right, he saw them, slowly encircling the alien.
"We are slowly but surely encircling the terrorists so that we can bring them to justice."
Then he felt her soft arms slowly encircle his neck, and her lips on his forehead.