The large north-facing glass wall regulates the temperature by slowly heating the ground floor through summer.
His countenance showed no reaction, but his face slowly heated to red.
Due to energy losses and viscous dissipation, a fan will slowly heat a room.
The furnaces used in these cases slowly heat the wafers to the point where the manufacturing operations are performed.
But you can slowly heat the water and kombu to save time, as long as they don't boil, which will turn the stock bitter.
This is an effective means of slowly heating an object to measure thermodynamic properties such as thermal expansion.
After several days of souring, the milk is slowly heated, before the curds are separated and pressed into forms.
He said no more but sat watching her as she knelt by the fire, her attention on the milk slowly heating on the hob.
It breaks down when heated slowly and detonates when heated strongly.
One method uses heat-sensitive pellets impregnated with fragrance that are dropped in pots of water and slowly heated.