Then he caught the unmistakable dead man's stench of river water, heaving slowly, but always finding, no matter what the obstacle, the shortest way home.
I switched the radio off again, as the chilly, watery dawn slowly heaved itself out of the cloudy eastern skies.
Wiping sweat from her brow with the back of her hand, she resisted the urge to dash it to the slowly heaving deck.
As he drew closer, he could see Amanda's chest slowly heaving up and down in the beam of his small flashlight.
Its flanks heaved slowly, as if calmly breathing, and Lark saw intelligent clarity in the triple set of eyes.
His form heaved slowly for a short time.
This involves barges with huge winches slowly heaving the ship into position, bit by bit.
Then Graeboe slowly heaved himself to a hunched sitting position, lifted up the edge of the dome, stood, and stepped out of the building.
Before her, the river slowly heaved and the riverside lights danced in its swell.