The worst had been old lead pipes that Uncle Thomas thought might date all the way back to Roman times, lying beneath a covering of rank weed, slowly leaching their poison into the water.
It was a perfect summer evening, still fully light after eight o'clock and the day's heat was leaching slowly out of the air without the rain that had been threatening all afternoon.
When it is injected, the drug slowly leaches from the crystals into the body.
The sunset is fading, its glow slowly leaching from ancient red bricks.
The day's heat slowly leached out of the granite buildings, keeping the temperature up as the evening drifted away.
Soda straws grow in places where water leaches slowly through cracks in rock, such as on the roofs of caves.
A chorreador is a coffee making device used in Costa Rica in which hot water leaches slowly through coffee grounds held in a cloth filter mounted on a wooden stand, and drips into a container.
Even so, he would need to live with her so she could continue to draw out the poison as it slowly leached from his flesh and bone.
Amalgam, the dark gray material that dentists commonly use to fill cavities in molar teeth, is 50 percent mercury, which, studies have shown, slowly leaches out of the fillings.
That was bloody dangerous; with no movement, his muscles were generating no heat, and what warmth he had was leaching slowly from his body.