He maneuvered slowly around it, keeping his distance and trying to locate the spin axis.
The others were slowly maneuvering, heavily attacking the incline of the bank, to make their way around the burning tank.
The ships maneuvered slowly and turned poorly, especially steaming downstream.
Brand made certain they weren't separated from each other as he slowly maneuvered a path through the crowd.
Another car slowly maneuvered its way around us, a convertible.
Though he tried to maneuver slowly through their emotionally charged world, sometimes it became tricky.
It also noted in passing that the target was slowly maneuvering.
He slowly maneuvered it until it tapped the first car in its way.
Now, in the cool dark, he slowly maneuvered his body down a widening passage he had been told to expect.
Maneuvering slowly down the coastline is a red-and-black oil tanker.