One album should last fans and radio stations at least a year, as each potential hit slowly percolates through radio and video saturation.
The case, which was filed three years ago, is slowly percolating through the system, but the labor board is poised to make a ruling.
The wits slowly percolated back into Vinh's eyes.
Don't mind the methane gas, which is slowly percolating underground and which the city hopes to harness someday to create electricity, and revenue.
They also physically protect the soil surface from heavy rain, while allowing rainwater to percolate slowly, preventing run-off and erosion.
He had a relationship slowly percolating with Alicia Crane, a well-known Washington socialite from a wealthy family, which had once been politically well connected.
His talent has been slowly percolating ever since.
In clayey and hard rock areas, rainwater percolates slowly, but it is held by the soil for a longer time.
I watched with deep satisfaction as the realization slowly percolated through his thick head.
As she grew up, a few of these technological marvels began to slowly percolate into the Dales.