Flat welds require the least operator skill, and can be done with electrodes that melt quickly but solidify slowly.
The spoon was resting on the slowly solidifying mass.
As it cools, over the years, the magma slowly solidifies and forms crystals.
Later, as a result of other movements in the rocks, fissures opened up in the slowly solidifying granite.
Hey, Ford," he said, identifying one of the slowly solidifying blurs around him, "did you get that thing of your whole life flashing before you?
The national park's distinctive hard granite boulders and range originally formed out of magma that first slowly solidified under the Earth's crust about 250 million years ago.
Creighton, in contrast, was slowly solidifying his religious beliefs.
He realized that they had been lying there for some time, though, murky and slowly solidifying.
The poured mixture acquires the characteristics of an explosive within about ten minutes of pumping and solidifies slowly to the shape of the bore hole.
Doggins stepped carefully around the pool of tar that was slowly solidifying on the steps.