Over the next few months, the bands played on and the plots slowly thickened.
The tunnel was narrow here, but broad ahead, in a slowly thickening cone.
He was cranking the handle, sweat running off his face, as the cream churned, thickening slowly.
The lights from the buildings along the shore seemed to flicker in the slowly thickening fog.
Rufia could see the wall behind it through the shapeless mass, which slowly thickened.
The air was slowly thickening with birds.
The slowly thickening vegetation around them had seemed an unspoken promise of verdant peace.
With the passage of the sun, the air over New Crobuzon slowly thickened.
Cook slowly over medium-low heat until the tomatoes thicken into a dense paste, about 20 minutes.
On the fourth side the trees and shrubs slowly thickened, until a few hundred feet away they became a solid mass of greenery.