Even in the period leading up to the financial crash of 2007, real incomes were growing at a sluggish rate.
Indeed, the Commerce Department confirmed its first estimate that the economy grew at a sluggish annual rate of 1.2 percent in the second quarter.
If sales continue at their sluggish rate, inventories will grow to unacceptable levels, leaving Detroit with a choice between still further discounting and a production cut.
But Fed officials have been focused on two other factors: the near absence of inflation and the stubbornly sluggish rate of job creation.
The economy will grow at a sluggish rate of 2 percent this year.
In recent months Dr. Khusayer like many Saudis, had become dangerously impatient with the sluggish rate of government reforms.
This was a sluggish rate even allowing for the strike at the Boeing Company and exceptionally harsh December weather.
Beyond the sluggish rate of building single-family houses, there is now little construction of condominums in the state.
The fucose in bladderwrack seems to help normalize the sluggish metabolic rate and produce weight loss.
Asked whether it was census procedures or people's changing behavior that was responsible for the sluggish rate of response, Ms. Miskura said, "I think it's the people.