It was even possible to get children in the slum districts of a great city to love such a poem as Wordsworth's "Daffodils".
Seldom had the Warrior observed such abject squalor as he'd found in certain slum districts.
Some shouldered close in what Chris thought of as celestial slum districts; others were widely separated.
If they were to establish schools like that in these slum districts they would be towers of light for the rest of the neighborhoods.
Since he had left his quarters in the slum district, he had become uncertain.
In the more notorious slum districts, there appears to have been little or no respect for the law.
The trail had led to a garage in a slum district on the other side of Washington, close to the railroad yards.
Living close to a slum district of bad reputation, he met with many difficult problems.
Cohabiting with Sien made him a denizen of the slum district she knew intimately.
But it was in the heart of a slum district.