And it might all rest with the slumbering body with the closed eyelids, glinting a shade darker in the bright light than the man's normal skin.
Above the medical coffin was a crystal containing the routines and biotics to keep his slumbering body intact.
Matilda thinks she's checking up on her father when she sneaks into the cabin bedroom and caresses the forehead of the slumbering body in the bunk.
I thought that my job, which involved watching slumbering bodies being opened up by the cruel scalpel of Howison, was depressing and alienating.
The Bishop had not yet stirred; Jehan lay on the rug with Alf, curled about Thea's slumbering body.
There was no answer, and she stretched a hand across the slumbering body of her son, to rest light on Roger's arm.
When Bink freed the Demon X(a/n)th, the magic of Xanth, which poured from his slumbering body into the land, left with him.
Buliwyf and his men joined the slumbering bodies of the King Rothgar's earls, who were truly snoring.
With only seconds to spare he entered his slumbering body, jerked it back to a state of wake fullness.
Angelo stood over the slumbering body.