When I confess I cannot get mine to work, he slumps dejectedly, with an air of perverse triumph.
Major Durand slumped dejectedly in his chair.
Darzek slumped dejectedly, and pawed at his flourishing growth of beard.
He watched the sun sink slowly behind the high walls of the castle, then slumped dejectedly upon the hard seat.
It clattered harmlessly off the wall, and he slumped dejectedly in his chair.
Seaine slumped dejectedly, resting her elbows on the table.
I slumped dejectedly back on the rumpled bedclothes.
Drawing the car to a halt by a grass verge, she slumped dejectedly over the wheel, resting her head on her hands.
Pitt nodded again, this time to himself, and slumped dejectedly in the chair.
Several wizards nodded, and Parrah slumped dejectedly.