"Lots of sly hints in here," he affirmed.
Your sly little hints of treason aren't going to panic me into licking Foundation spittle.
If the Mayor were white, ran the not so sly hint, no prosecutor would have bothered.
These stories were straightforward beginning-middle-end tales, but included a few sly hints about the subjects of Illuminatus!
The sly hint of laughter in his voice was rewarded by chuckles from the other harpers.
You will never drop sly hints, as another man might do.
In sideways mentions and sly hints, there you were.
History maintains a discreet silence, although, from time to time, it drops a sly hint.
Ribbentrop gave a sly hint what those views were: nothing less than dividing up the world among the four totalitarian powers.
Pat, however, did not seem to want beaus, in spite of Judy's sly hints.