Much of the space in the small piazza is taken by cafe tables that spill out from three bars.
The restaurant is in the same beautiful place, a medieval building on a small, historic piazza, and the parrot (pappagallo) on the sign is the same.
In the town's small main piazza, crowds were gathering around local residents who were showing off their snakes.
The first talking statue was that of Pasquino, a damaged piece of sculpture on a small piazza.
The platform is flanked by projecting walls, forming a small piazza.
Down the hill behind the fort, in a small piazza, Dr Fells automobile awaited him.
North of the Basilica was a smaller piazza, with a temple dedicated to the deified Trajan on the far north side facing inwards.
We stood in a small piazza, deserted, before the angled doors of a high stone church.
Its small piazza is anchored by a simple fountain.
A small piazza was laid out in front of the senator's palace, intended for communal purposes.