AI produced a smaller airship, the Sentinel 1000, as part of the development programme.
That was rather small airship, and the giant thermoplan wasn't built at that time due to the problems caused by the economy crisis of 1990s.
There temporary repairs were quickly made to its empennage before joining up with the smaller airship several hours later.
These combine the structures of both hot-air balloons and small airships.
The Italians also used other, smaller airships, some of them British-built.
Smaller mobile masts have been used for small airships and blimps for a long time.
On the roof field of the greatest dome a small airship was landing.
On the far side of the tube floated something like a small airship.
It was a small non-rigid airship with a top speed under 20 mph and an endurance of just over 2 hours.
As they went out into the sunlight once more, Winters observed a small airship settling down in the village campus.