But there were positives too- a smaller armada drew less attention.
The leaves are falling and are on the water, a small armada of color.
A small armada of boats lies beached in the yard under a sea of blue tarp.
The small armada banded up and then turned to the southeast.
Within two weeks he would have a small armada of warships, ready to ravage the Belt.
By the time theFearnought reached the sea, a small armada of four- and six-oared boats trailed in her wake.
We both turn and stand there, looking out across the blue-glittering waves at the small armada surrounding the giant submarine.
As he expected, the Malwa were providing security for their supply fleet with a small armada of swift war galleys.
While we were strolling around the second planet, it might happen that someone on the fourth planet would send a small armada to attack us.
"He has a small armada," the bank manager said.