There was little else, except a small bookshelf from which he took one of several charts.
It was a sober room, containing only a table, several computers, a small bookshelf, and a clock.
On the small bookshelf, he found his wooden snake.
I went over to the small bookshelf, and stood there staring at the collection of battered spines, taking nothing in.
Set in the wall was a small bookshelf, the books held in place with a Velcro strap.
Each player is represented by a small coloured bookshelf.
Automatically Harlan's long fingers caressed the volumes in his small bookshelf.
She stood at the small bookshelf in the bedroom, smoking and reading the titles calmly as if nothing odd had happened.
A small bookshelf held rows of tapes marked with various island names and locations.
A water dispenser sat in one corner by a sofa and a small bookshelf holding little more than a dozen volumes.