He turned and blew a small brass whistle.
Either a visitor is a nonentity, a friend, an employee, small brass, or big brass.
Also in the church is a small brass dating from the 14th century depicting a female figure.
By 1998, small brass 1, 5 and 10 colon coins were made.
His mottled hand took up a small brass Burmese temple bell and jingled it.
A handsome young man and a rather glamorous middle-aged woman, perhaps his mother, looked round the shop and finally bought a small brass rocking horse.
The other end of the string travels through the instrument to come out the bottom opening and is attached to a small brass handle.
The small brass on the north side shows a soul with clasped hands being borne to heaven in a winding sheet.
Hilton Sullivan's corner apartment was announced by a small brass 17.
A plain, ordinary white-panelled door with a small dented brass handle.