It was built about one hundred and twenty years ago as a small but sturdy bungalow.
The house was a small bungalow set discreetly back on its lot.
They dealt mostly with the small bungalows and new houses at the far end of the town.
Saw Lwin turned off the main road into an area of small bungalows.
In all, there were six small bungalows set along the river.
At the small white bungalow, he could see her newspaper propped against the door.
Promising to extend the house, the family of five moved into the small bungalow.
With this money he purchased a small bungalow for $29,000.
Is it in this small and pitiful bungalow she will know the final end of what we once were?
We all got out and went into a small clapboard bungalow.