The availability of new, small capacitors considerably reduced the size and weight of the device.
But if you're like us, with solar cells and small capacitors, then you must finesse it.
Many tests were made trying to prove whether they actually perform better than today's smaller and more reliable capacitors.
In practice, capacitor C is often constructed as a stack of smaller capacitors connected in series.
For a small capacitor, the capacity is small.
Any change in the voltage across the coil requires extra current to charge and discharge these small 'capacitors'.
"It looks like we can fit a few more laser modules in there if we make smaller capacitors."
A small capacitor, which is the flash's device for storing energy, means a small output.
In high end systems they may be paralleled with small non-electrolytic capacitors to improve their performance.
The thing itself looked like a small tubular capacitor without the wires trailing from the ends.