Employees pay a small co-payment, generally $10 to $20, for each doctor visit and prescription.
The current system of small co-payments, they say, isolates consumers from the true costs of health care.
Where required, Medicaid users would still pay a small co-payment for a prescription drug, with the government billed the balance.
There is normally a small co-payment, from about $2 to $15, for each doctor visit, but no deductible and no paperwork.
Employees who use the network pay no annual deductible and make only a small co-payment on some bills.
He has insurance through a Xerox-sponsored policy that covers everything except a small co-payment for his prescriptions.
The new benefit is patterned after the state's low-income prescription plan, which requires only a small co-payment for prescriptions.
All families would be responsible for small co-payments for doctors' visits and other costs.
Some programs require you to make a small co-payment for medical services in addition to what Medicaid pays.
For employees, on-site clinics can mean faster medical attention and lower out-of-pocket costs, since visits are usually free or carry only a small co-payment.