It can get loud, particularly on evenings when a small combo plays in the bar area.
He led his own band in 1956, and led small combos into the 1980s.
Studio Two is smaller, and works best for small combos or groups of musicians.
The small combo is $5; medium $10; large $15.
The whole setup weighs about the same as a small combo, but is easier to carry because there's less bulk.
After dinner there will be a bit of dancing to the jukebox or maybe a small combo.
A small combo from the marine band was playing in the grand foyer.
She recorded steadily throughout the 1950s, accompanied by small combos and big bands.
When he turned to leading his own group, he used a small combo, a format that lasted more than 30 years.
He had a small combo and once in a while he'd call me to play a gig for a dollar or two.