"Ye're a man of small contrivance, David."
He carried a small contrivance by which he could launch pebbles, and which he had evidently used upon Cugel.
But a small Deliambren contrivance, while a luxury, was also useful-and it was something that a wealthy person would want to be able to show off.
Scipio appeared, wheeling a small contrivance no larger than a dicta-phone.
The solenoid dropped to the floor from the broken small contrivance.
Jonnie unwrapped his seat belt and had them pass a small contrivance called a core gun to him.
Aral or bahar budhi is a small contrivance having a few large pots and worked by one only bullock.
She dipped into her purse, took out a small contrivance and tossed it on to my desk.
Elvis plucked a small contrivance from his pocket, primed it and clipped it beneath the reception desk.
'The doodad, sure thing,' Elvis delved into a golden pocket and brought out the small black contrivance which he had lifted whilst on Phnaargos.