Beside me the nuns jumped to their feet and waved to their smaller counterpart.
In their smaller counterparts, she said, the movie's audience lagged a bit.
These creatures are generally many times bigger than their smaller counterparts.
I was skeptical about England's much smaller counterpart, which certainly had a less mellifluous name.
Its smaller counterpart (No. 1) is less distinct, but apparently involved a series of rooms arranged around one or two courtyards.
The largest workers can have heads approximately 10 times larger than that of their smallest counterparts.
I cannot believe that the larger players of today are worse than their smaller counterparts of decades past.
C-26a: A machine pistol which serves as a smaller counterpart the the C-25a.
Beyond the main room was a smaller counterpart lit with black light.
It is the much smaller counterpart to the Strait of Hormuz.