In addition, small deletions within this region of the chromosome have been found in phenotypically normal individuals.
The disease can occur when any of many different small deletions of genetic material, or other changes, occur in the body of the gene.
The majority of mutations are small deletions or insertions, though splice site and missense mutations also been identified.
IQ scores above this range have been reported in individuals with smaller genetic deletions.
It resulted from a small deletion of genetic material that causes the production of a truncated protein, destroying the gene's function.
As a result, individuals with one relatively small deletion may have both diseases.
Williams syndrome is caused by small deletions of genetic material from chromosome 7.
These PCR products were sequenced to identify any potential point mutations or small deletions.
However, a small deletion of the receptor binding region causes attenuation of toxin B activity.
Mutant alleles are a result of a number different types of mutations including base pair substitutions and small deletions.