In fact, there are only two small delis in western Kent; most other shopping, dining and entertainment require travel.
With as much swagger as I could muster I went into the small deli next door.
Just opened a small deli adjacent to the tasting room.
They walked downstairs into the main hangar area, to a small deli that some of the employees had carved out of a space at the back.
As well as a small deli, there are three appealing upscale (or should that be 'Yuppiescale'?)
There was a small, walk-in deli with one long narrow aisle, but Eve's morning run of luck ran out there.
He was arrested on March 18 at a small deli in an Ottawa suburb.
There's very limited parking, as the post office is part of an apartment/storefront, sharing the building with a small local deli and two residential apartments.
My parents owned a general store with a small deli.
LATE IN the afternoon, he stopped at a small deli a few blocks from the hotel.