It is, in other words, not a question of a smallest common denominator.
From chaos to the smallest common denominator.
The large fold changes result from very small denominators used in the fold change calculations for these probe sets.
If two positive fractions have the same numerator, then the fraction with the smaller denominator is the larger number.
This method always works, but sometimes there is a smaller denominator that can be used (a least common denominator).
Problems can occur when calculating the MAPE value with a series of small denominators.
Despite having a smaller denominator, it is only slightly less accurate than the Babylonian approximation.
Among many other accomplishments, the work already hints at chaos, and clearly demonstrates the problem of so-called "small denominators" in perturbation theory.
The work hints at chaos in the system, and clearly demonstrates the problem of so-called "small denominators" in perturbation theory.
It is a small but decisive common denominator which will ensure the highest possible levels of safety for countries with and without nuclear power.