I am always grateful for some small diversion; a man without friends is a tree without leaves.
There had been the small diversion of that girl, but it, and she, were easily dealt with.
This small diversion was a most welcome one, and to be properly clothed again had an excellent effect upon our spirits.
Perhaps we have the makings of a small diversion.
Those options include a smaller diversion from the unemployment fund and possibly up to $75 million from the state's general funds.
The small diversion had been fun, no matter how harmless it might have been.
The small diversion distracted the imbecile collective brain of the mob.
Many people choose to make the small diversion to include it on their traverse.
Grateful for the small diversion, Kimberly reached into the hall closet nearby and yanked down a towel.
A small diversion along this route is certainly worthwhile.