It was Bontemps who secured the small dowry of 40,000 Livres along with silver and jewels for the bride.
In India, every two hours a "bride burning" occurs because the woman had a small dowry or so that her husband can remarry.
Yao gave a district to Shun to govern and married his two daughters to him, with a small dowry of a new house and some money.
In this instance, the institution provided a future bride with a small dowry.
Chosen for, among other reasons, her family's Catholicism, she brought a comparatively small dowry of 80,000 livres to the Orléans.
"I made her a chest like Dalta's, not quite as good, and she has a small dowry of five golds, not much . "
Brussels gossip had it that despite her good qualities she would never marry, due to a small dowry and her mother's appalling temper.
Oh, and she does have a small dowry.
My eldest brother, Augustin, who was the rightful heir to all we possessed, had spent his wife's small dowry as soon as he married her.
She brought him a small dowry and increased social status, as such things went in the old Austro-Hungarian petty bureaucracy.