At last a small duck of the diver family, thinking there was something wrong, opened one eye and saw what Manabozho was doing.
These range in size from small ducks and waders up to storks, although the Siberian crane has not been seen for several years.
There is also an aviary, stocked with "100 different birds, mostly smaller ducks and teals."
He is a small white duck who typically wears a blue t-shirt that has the letter P on it.
"They must be small ducks in that country," he said, "I wonder what species they are."
A small duck leads her convoy of tiny babies through the water.
To the east of the island was a rock on which there were a large number of birds the size of small ducks.
Everybody in our party got to take home a small stuffed duck or fish.
Among others he filmed a television series about a small duck named "Saturnin" during the 1960s.
However, the smallest duck looked, saw Old Man, and alerted the other ducks.