Before the sun went down, they set off some of the smaller firecrackers, holding the big guns in reserve.
These contained gunpowder extracted from the smaller firecrackers Sheemie had brought them two days before.
She fumbled in the saddlebag where she had put the smaller firecrackers.
Some would throw strings of tiny bullets that exploded like small firecrackers in enemy flesh.
Later at night, they place a small firecracker next to their bedroom to disturb them during their first night.
Some states ban all fireworks, but Federal laws and laws in other states allow small firecrackers with no more than 50 milligrams of powder.
The clown in sunglasses produced a small firecracker.
The shell struck the airlock door and exploded, making O'Brien's phaser grenade seem like a small firecracker.
If it was just a normal, small firecracker, or any type of firework, that's normally a misdemeanor charge.
Used in match head compositions, some colored smokes, and small firecrackers and toy caps.