Similar but smaller fluctuations have been seen recently.
However, both lines experience small fluctuations in their motion, again on the monthly time-scale.
A metastable phase lies at a local but not global minimum in free energy, and is resistant to small fluctuations.
It suffered severe ice ages, which were triggered by very small fluctuations in this variable or that.
The strategy only works because computers can quickly calculate the small fluctuations and issue hundreds of simultaneous orders.
The difference from a digital signal is that also very small fluctuations in the signal are meaningful.
There had to be small fluctuations in the density and velocities of particles.
Temperatures are moderate throughout the year, with small thermal fluctuations.
The important thing to note about leadership analysis is the consistency of the individual's belief systems, rather than small fluctuations.
Drug enforcement officials measure their success on small fluctuations in purity and price.