The young woman helped him out of her car and led him into the small infirmary.
He signed them on and then put a call into the small infirmary they had on base.
The dawn sun peeked through the blinds in a small infirmary, he wasn't sure where.
They went together to the small infirmary, where Nicole used her sensitive instruments to verify the existence and size of the embryo.
He was in what seemed to be a small infirmary-- three beds, an exam table, medical telemetry along one wall.
Many towns cared for their sick poor in small infirmaries attached to the local almshouses.
The church itself would occupy a third of the structure, with a small infirmary at the rear, and Horst's room sandwiched between the two.
Some have sold off property to finance retirement accounts or turned small, in-house infirmaries into licensed care centers.
The community house held a small infirmary, a recreation and a place where, he supposed, people could worship.
Eventually, a bakery, butcher shop, a laundry, a small infirmary with a registered nurse were all located in the camp.