He's helping us, but none of us--maybe not even Sharnas--has got the smallest inkling of an idea why.
Had I the smallest inkling of any impropriety, I would have put my foot down-you can count on that.
Here we come to the question of individuality," he went on, "of which, I am quite sure, the ocean has not the smallest inkling.
Surely they must have had some small inkling of the dangers they would encoun- ter when they began to make nature over in their own ill- conceived image.
He began to feel a few small inklings of resentment, and carefully put them aside.
"I had a small inkling I was going to play and I was pleased when I found out," Froese said.
I should surely have some small inkling why a whole great batch of young beasts was sinking towards the knacker yard in front of my eyes.
"I have some small inkling of what the pioneers went through," she said.
"That's just a small inkling of what's actually out there," Petty Officer Francis said of the number counted.
He began to have some small inkling of what Dr. McCoy saw in Katalya Tremain.