A similar situation is observed in modern Komodo dragons, with hatchlings beginning life as small insectivores before growing to become the dominant predators on their islands.
These small insectivores live in trees that produce wand-quality wood.
The very first mammals were small insectivores, probably very similar to this modern tree shrew.
Previously, the only known mammals of this time period were small nocturnal insectivores, not unlike modern-day shrews.
They are small insectivores, the males mostly brightly coloured in various combinations of red, blue, white, and black, the females light brown with a red tail.
They are mainly small arboreal insectivores.
It forced the surviving therapsids and their mammalian successors to live as small, mainly nocturnal insectivores.
The millerettids were small insectivores and probably resembled modern lizards in appearance and lifestyle.
It was a small insectivore, with long thin legs, less than a metre long.
A field survey of the region in January 1989, before the dam was built, recorded 120 species of birds, mostly small insectivores.