A message was incised on the grimy white surface, written in small and surprisingly elegant lettering.
The movie has a disclaimer but in small lettering.
On the engine cowling, and in much smaller lettering, was written Tuned by Jenkins Engineering.
Both platforms have an orange trim line with a black border and "155" in small white lettering on a black border underneath.
The smaller lettering, saying that the firm were importers and exporters to the year 1804, looked strictly matter-of-fact.
They are impossible to read - with small lettering and not printed in colors you can see at night.
One can easily miss the small lettering, which notes that he was a Civil War General, on the back of the plain rectangular block.
The copy is in small, hard-to-read lettering - the idea being that it forces readers to slow down and pay attention.
The door was white-painted, so the small black lettering was easy to read.
Not responsible," and then ran into smaller lettering.