They believe that stripers hit the small lure because they are persuaded that it is being pursued by the larger one.
They will also take small artificial lures and can be fished for with a fly rod with wet flies or dry flies.
Some good baits for perch include worms, live and dead minnows, crickets, and any small lure resmbeling any of these.
This species will also take a variety of wet flies and small lures.
Most fishermen tend to use small lures but often that is not advisable because pike have a preference for large prey.
When fishing in shallow water for smaller pike, lighter and smaller lures are frequently used.
They can also be caught using small lures or flies.
Given the shad's preference for a small lure, it was inevitable that fly fishermen would be among the first to take them on rod and reel.
They readily take small lures and are good sport on light tackle.
Anglers tend to use smaller lures in spring or during cold front conditions and larger lures in fall or the heat of summer.