In the middle of hell, they had found a small oasis.
It had come to rest in a small oasis of trees.
She preferred separate quarters, a small oasis that was hers and gave her a life beyond the job.
Here at least was a small oasis of illusion.
A way was opened for them out of the small oasis, the few rooms that had been furnished with air and gravity.
Try to reserve a small oasis of quietness and time to relax instead.
Bilma, a small oasis about 20 miles south of here, held nine African prisoners.
With only 10 bedrooms and miles to any other civilization, the inn is a small oasis.
The hope is to leave just before dawn the day after tomorrow so that we can hit a small oasis at midday.
But there is life in the desert, and a small oasis had Kylar's name on it.