At first glance, it is a primitive-looking thing - just a long wooden plank resting on metal rods connected to four smaller planks.
Backboard: a small optional plank behind the player and/or playing mat- some players like to rest their heels on it during play.
And, Erkum, next time use a smaller plank, right?
"Lots smaller plank," the last Marine guard whispered with a human-style wink as he passed Fain.
Carroll pointed to a small plank upon the ground.
The men stepped off the wharf onto the small planks leading to Hunley's open hatch towers.
George opened the top lid of the tank and showed me a small plank floating on the surface.
She can extend a small broken plank into an enormous board.
It is usually shaped into half-moons on top of a small plank of wood and the outside dyed pink.
Cloth tunics padded with cotton and small wooden planks to protect the spine.