The solubilized toxin proteins are cleaved by midgut proteases to smaller toxic polypeptides that attack the gut epithelial cells.
Proteins are made out of smaller polypeptides, which are formed of amino acids.
This enzyme hydrolyses links to polypeptides smaller than 60 residues faster than those to larger polypeptides.
Proteolysis is the breakdown of proteins into smaller polypeptides or amino acids.
The renatin tends to dissociate into a number of smaller polypeptides, which serve as neuro-transmitter mediators.
As microcystins are small polypeptides, they need not be synthesized at the ribosomes, they are in fact nonribosomal peptides.
The system consists of a number of large proteins, some small polypeptides and a group of enzymes that activate and deactivate the compounds.
Systemin - is a small polypeptide functioning as a long-distance signal to activate chemical defenses against herbivores.
Some are large proteins, some small polypeptides (microhalocins).
Trypsin then cleaves proteins to smaller polypeptides.